Nov 19, 2010

Zuchinni Brownies, CAKE

Zucchini Brownies Frosting

1/2 c. oil l/4 c. butter
l l/2 c. white sugar 4 oz. cream cheese (half a pkg)
l tsp. salt l/8 c, canned milk (about)
l tsp. vanilla 4 c. powdered sugar (about)
2 c. zucchini l/4 c. cocoa (depends on how chocolaty you like)
pinch of salt (tiny bit) brings out flavour
Blend together and add l/4 tsp. almond or vanilla

2 c. flour Chopped walnuts, pecans, slivered almonds
l l/2 tsp. soda
about l/4 c. cocoa

Cook 350 - 25 min.

Zucchini Cake Frosting

2 eggs (beaten) same as above - (you can leave out cocoa)
2 c. sugar Use l tsp. lemon or almond for flavoring
l tsp. vanilla Chopped walnuts or pecans or slivered almonds
2 c. Zucchini

2 c. flour
l/4 c. cocoa
l tsp. soda
l tsp. Baking Powder
l tsp. salt
l tsp. cinnamon

Bake 350 - 30 min.

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