Nov 3, 2009

Grilling Veggies

Another good 1 from that blog!

Wanna grill some of those fabulous veggies that are poppin out of everyone's gardens this time of year?

Here's how to grill some delish

Cut off ends.
Soak in water for 30 minutes to an hour.
Pat dry and brush with olive oil. Place on grillo, turning every minute.
Remove when tips start to turn brown.
You can add some extra flavor to asparagus by mixing a little sesame oil in the olive oil before you brush them.

Bell Peppers:
Cut through the middle of the pepper top to bottom.
Remove stems, seeds and whitish ribs. B
rush lightly with oil and grill for 2-3 minutes on each side.

Chili Peppers:
Brush with oil.
Grill whole on each side, 2-3 minutes. To reduce the heat, cut off the stems and pull ou the seeds.

Corn on the cob:
Gently pull back the husks but don't remove.
Remove the silk and cut off the very end.
Soak in cold water for about 30 minutes.
Dry and brush with butter.
Fold the husks back down and tie or twist the ends.
Place on grill for about 5-7 minutes.
Turn to avoid burning.

Cut lengthwise for smaller eggplants or in disks top to bottom for larger eggplants.
Soak in water for 30 minutes.
Pat dry, brush with oil and grill 2-3 minutes.

Take whole bulbs and cut off the root end.
Brush with oil and grill. 4-5 minutes for small mushrooms, 6-8 minutes.
Use a grill basket or topper for small mushrooms.

Remove skin and cut horizontally about 1/2 inch thick.
Brush with oil and grill 3-4 minutes.
Tomatoes: Cut in half, top to bottom.
Brush with a light coating of oil and grill cut side down 2-3 minutes.

Wash thoroughly and dry.
Rub with oil.
Wrap in aluminum foil and grill 35-40 minutes, turning occasionally.

Zucchini and small squash:
Slice 1/2 inch thickness. Brush with oil and grill 2-3 minutes per side. Small squash can be cut down the middle and grilled in halves.

Peanut Butter Candy

So I was checking out blogs and found some recipes on this blog!! Its the Z103 blog, how funny!

Here is a delicious recipe for Peanut Butter Candy from Brad's wife. (Brad from Z103)
If you don't know, Peanut Butter Candy is the dessert that school cafeterias serve where it's like an inch of peanut butter goodness topped with a small layer of chocolate ecstasy.
(I think this and chili & cinnamon rolls, were the best thing the school ever cook!!)

Peanut Butter Candy

2 C. creamy peanut butter
8 T. butter; softened
2 3/4 C. powdered sugar
6 C. rice krispies; crushed
1/2 bag of Chocolate Chips (melted)
*Mix butter and peanut butter together.
Mix powdered sugar and rice krispies together. Combine mixtures. Press into 8x8 ungreased pan.
Melt half bag of chocolate chips and pour over peanut butter mixture.
Place in fridge to harden chocolate.*How do you melt chocolate?
Here are 3 different ways to do it.
Just be careful, cuz if you burn the chocolate, it stinks up your place, and it makes little children and me cry.
Method 1
Place the chips in a microwaveable bowl just big enough to hold them.
Place in microwave on low heat setting and microwave in 30-second increments.
Stir after each 30 seconds to ensure all chips melt.
Method 2
Place water in the bottom of a double boiler and chips in the top.
Melt the chips over medium heat, stirring them with a wooden spoon until just melted.
Method 3
Place the chips in a small ovenproof casserole or metal mixing bowl.
Heat oven or toaster oven to warm (150 to 200 degrees F).
Using the potholder, check the casserole and stir the chips every 3 minutes until they are melted

Nov 1, 2009

Apple Jelly

This is awesome!!
And yummy too!

You can use all the garage from pealing apples for your pies, applesauce, or just use all the "ugly" apples you have!!

This is a jelly bag. In the blog that I got this from, she didn't know what it was or looked like.

I asked one of my friends that I thought would know what one is.

It works, but is small. I just used the cheese cloth, lots bigger.

This is all my waste from peeling the apples. I didn't take one after I left it over night. Should have, it was disappointing.

But then when we tasted this.... Well it was worth it, even though it doesn't make a lot. Its wonderful!!! And hey, it isn't hard.

I made strawberry applesauce and pumpkin spice applesauce, and regular. I try to post those soon.